Files are shown by an icon of a piece of paper. Access them by right clicking the file name and then double clicking Properties or clicking on the blue "i" icon. The Case Information file contains entity specific data (DLN, applicant name, contacts, address, control date, user fee, etc.).
File Cabinet Pro 4.5.3
After you select the documents for import, identify the document on the Import: Object Definition screen. Enter this information for each imported document to ensure correct identification and placement in the electronic case file.
Review and update the Case Information file prior to case transfer or closing. From the case main screen, highlight Case Information file, right click, then select Properties or click the blue "i" icon.
Right click on the saved PDF letter file on MEDS and choose Check In. Click the radio button for 1.0 Same Version. Click Browse and choose the letter file you just saved on your desktop. Click Open in the dialog box and then click Ok.
Click Documents in the cabinet/case file link above the column headers to return to the Documents menu. Click on the Document folder that corresponds to the type of letter to import: Disclosable or Non-Disclosable.
For case closing letters, the file name should be either FinalLetter or FinalLetter-Non-Disclosable. Document Type and Document Name in the drop down lists should be Final Letter for Disclosable and Final Letter - Non-Disclosable for Non-Disclosable.
For POA letters and other non-closing letters/documents, the file name should be FinalLetter-POA or the form/letter number (for example, Form 872-B). Select Final Letter-POA in the Document Type and Document name drop downs for Letter 937-A. For other forms, letters and documents, select Other for Document Type and leave Document Name blank.
EO Determination Specialists and Tax Examiners import closing letters into the MEDS Working folder. Group clerical staff access the letters to digitally sign and date the letters, then print paper copies to send the taxpayer and print electronic copies to import into the MEDS case file. The closing letter saved in the Working folder should still be the original unsigned and undated fillable letter created and imported by the specialist or TE. Use this letter from the Working folder to generate a supersedes letter and update the incorrect information.
- How do you document your determination that the price is fair and reasonable and the basis for that determination? You may want to prepare some "boilerplate" determinations for signature that address specific ways you buy products or services. You may want to say that based upon a telephone quote from John Doe Company for the widget and comparing that price with a price paid 6 months ago for the same widget, it is fair and reasonable -- you would fill in the blanks in your form, sign it, and file in the procurement file. Alternatively, you may use an existing form such as a buyer's tabulation that is filed. You may want to have another form that indicates the procurement is being made from an existing Blanket Purchase Agreement for which competition was obtained. You may want to prepare a form that addresses sales items -- you are buying this widget from X Company based upon an advertisement that the widget normally sells for $35 each and is on sale for $29.50 and this is fair and reasonable. Finally, you may want to have a form that simply addresses a standard commercial item -- the price is fair and reasonable because it is a standard commercial item sold in the open marketplace. 9
Custody of guarantee - What do I do with the bid guarantee? It is recommended that if the guarantee is a bond or letter of credit, it be retained with the procurement file. If it is other than a bid bond, it is recommended that it be placed in a secure area (safe or locked file cabinet) with a notation in the procurement file its location.
As you approach the date and time set in your solicitation for receipt of bids, you will begin to receive bids. A simple step to eliminate many questions that could arise later is to keep the bids unopened in a secured location, preferably a locked bid box, file cabinet, or safe.
Adequacy of Competition - When only one bid is received in response to a solicitation that was issued to multiple sources, you will first have to determine if there was adequate competition. The FTA interpretive comment in the Annotated FTA Circular 4220.1E, paragraph 10, makes clear the fact, that when only one bid is received, this does not, in itself, mean that competition was inadequate. In order to make this determination, it may be necessary to talk to those firms solicited to find out why they did not submit bids. If the reason is a restrictive specification or a delivery requirement that only one bidder could meet, you have a situation of inadequate competition. If this is the case then the procurement is a sole source and you must process it as such with internal agency approvals, or cancel the solicitation, change the requirements to allow for more bids, and re-solicit bids. On the other hand, if the reasons given by the non-responders are unrelated to the specification and/or solicitation terms, then you may presume competition was adequate and proceed with the award as a competitive one. You should document your file so that there is a clear audit trail for reviewers to understand how you reached your determination.
There are many different methods of conducting proposal evaluations to determine best value, and many opinions as to which is the best approach. Grantees may employ any rating method or combination of methods, including: color or adjectival ratings, numerical weights and ordinal rankings. Whatever the method, the important thing is that a statement of the relative strengths, deficiencies, significant weaknesses, and risks supporting the evaluation ratings be documented in the contract file.
You may wish to obtain clarifications from one or more proposers, or hold discussions with all proposers immediately after receipt of proposals. However, it is also possible to proceed with evaluations and determination of a competitive range as described in the following sections, before discussions are held. Most typically, the first discussions are oral presentations made by a short list of proposers within a competitive range. If discussions are held with any proposer at any phase of the procurement, holding discussions with all remaining proposers (not already excluded from the competitive range as described in Section 4.5.3, "Competitive Range") will increase the likelihood and the appearance of the most accurate and objective evaluation and negotiation.
You are not required to conduct discussions with any offeror provided: (1) the solicitation did not commit in advance to discussions or notify offerors that award might be made without discussion, and (2) the award is in fact made without any written or oral discussion with any proposer. This is often the case where the proposal is for services where rates are regulated and the competition is on the basis of service, e.g., certain types of insurance. If you accept an initial offer, the determination of fair and reasonable price will be an important document in your file. Normally, however, you will need to conduct discussions.
On the other hand, unless your procedures require you to notify the disappointed proposer immediately, you may be able to wait to inform the firm until contract award is made to the successful proposer. Particularly if you have reason to believe a firm is inclined to dispute or delay the action, you may be able to proceed unilaterally without encouraging any delaying tactics. To maximize the likelihood of award without delay, this alternative school of thought faces a number of problems. The disappointed firm may be suspicious because you have not contacted him/her about any further discussions, or may otherwise learn that its offer is not being considered for award. If you wait until award is made (which is a public action), the proposer will be left with only two choices, to do nothing or to file legal action. If the firm chooses the first course of action, he/she may be reluctant to propose on your jobs again because they may believe "games" were played. If the proposer chooses the second course of action, to file either a protest or a lawsuit, this may result in a delay in the commencement of contract performance and substantial other costs to your agency.
40 - If you cannot identify who the offeror is in this situation without opening the bid or proposal, it is recommended that you open it in the presence of a witness. Write down the name and address of the offeror only, and reseal the envelope or package. Return it to the offeror with a cover letter that the package was opened only so the offeror could be identified. It is also recommended that a memorandum to the file be made by you and your witness describing what happened and why. You might want to copy the outside of the envelope to show no identification but it is recommended that no copies be made of any of the offer documentation.
77 - You should understand that if an unsuccessful bidder discovers an error, they will likely file a protest (or formal query) almost immediately. It is very important, therefore, that you proceed very carefully. Some procedures, to discourage false hopes and resulting arguments, prohibit the reading of bids that are clearly defective (e.g., missing bid guarantee).
If carpet or carpet tile is used on a ground or floor surface, then it shall be securely attached; have a firm cushion, pad, or backing, or no cushion or pad; and have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture. The maximum pile thickness shall be 1/2 in (13 mm) (see Fig. 8(f)). Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to floor surfaces and have trim along the entire length of the exposed edge. Carpet edge trim shall comply with 4.5.2. Appendix Note 4.5.3 2ff7e9595c